Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Someone who has made a big impact on my life Research Paper

Someone who has made a big impact on my life - Research Paper ExampleThe reason why Steve Jobs inspired me was that he was not a college graduate, yet he was capable of being more innovative than those who had graduated from the same college that he dropped out of.Steve Jobs incomparable personality made me wonder what I was capable of doing because I had the opportunity to learn, unlike him. So I started working harder in order to give my top hat to the courses that I was studying and kept nagging my teachers about the practical approach of everything that we learnt. This helped me learn more about practical stuff along with theory.Moreover, I learnt how strategic volunteering is because it brings you closer to the people who need help and you learn more about a persons needs in such situations. Plus, the sense datum of calm and calm that we get is phenomenal. Steve Jobs was an active volunteer and helped me learn the true spirit of volunteering and made me volunteer at an orph anage for quite most time.Furthermore, Steve Jobs gave me a sense of doing things out of the ordinary just to be the best and different. For example, in a science project when everyone was using thermopile to make their science projects, I used my nest egg to make a model out of metal and got it welded and painted. This made my project look the most practical and the most innovative.I once read a quote from Steve Jobs which was Being the richest man in the cemetery doesnt matter to me Going to bed at night saying weve done something wonderful thats what matters to me. (Le Grant. R.) Since then I have made it a habit to reconcile what I did throughout the day and each day I make certain(p) I do at least one considerable good deed and a small achievement that can make me say, Yes, I did some good today.Thus, by trying to follow the footsteps of Steve Jobs, I have made a great impact on my life and on others around me. I feel that when you follow someone who has made an impact on th e world, you become a change maker in your

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