Friday, June 14, 2019

Social Work Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Work Skills - Assignment ExampleAccording to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that communication is a two-way process involving progression and exchange of ideas, feelings or thoughts towards a mutually accepted direction or goal. Communication skills influence all aspects of life qualification the learning of effective ways of communication very vital. Ineffective communication is useless since the message or information that is to be passed on is lost. A right(a) communicator has to be proficient in all forms of communication including not only the transmission of communication but also the ability to receive the information received by others. For effective communication, one needs to understand communication concepts to ensure the communication is effective. Communication, be a cycle of receiving and sending information, involves a message being sent to the receiver by the sender. The receiver is to listen to the sender and sends a feedback to the send er to acknowledge that the message was well understood. The above steps, when all followed ensure the situation of effective communication. A good number of looked by and by children have an at one time or another experienced family breakdowns, rejection or abuse. These situations can be complex and affect the childrens physical and emotional well-being, educational and social opportunities, effective self-sufficiency, resilience and personal relationships. These effects make it difficult for children in looked after centers to open up and communicate effectively.

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