Sunday, June 2, 2019

jackson :: essays research papers

capital of Mississippi inspired much of America during his eight years as president. His rise from the backwoods of Carolina to the nations highest office helped inspire hope that in America anyone could accomplish anything. His message to Americans helped jumpstart movements in improve public education, abolish debtors prisons, set for womens rights, care for the infirm and indigent, and in general work to the world a better place. Jackson reached out to the people that he governed in a air no prior President had, encouraging them and showing a unique humbleness that made him seem approachable.Jacksons "approachability," though, caused occasional problems. Once, while aboard a oceanic ship in Alexandria, an angry seaman punched the President in the face. Two years later, in 1835, Jackson faced the first known assassination campaign on a U.S. president. While Jackson was in the Capitol attending a funeral, a man named Richard Lawrence fired two pistols point-blank at th e President wholly to have both guns misfire. Jackson raised his cane and charged Lawrence, but an army officer wrestled the man to the floor before Jackson could attack.The charging of his would-be assassin is representative of how Jackson handled much of his Presidency strong-armed and unafraid. When Jackson decided on something, he would relentlessly wear defeat his opponents. In addition to staring down the Bank supporters and the nullifiers, Jackson slowly won an argument which the French government that had dragged on for almost two decades. The French refused to pay Americans back for damages caused on shipping during the Napoleonic wars, even though they had paid such damages to the British. Then, finally, when damages were assessed in 1831, the French made no move to pay them. exactly with the peopleeven the Whigsbehind him, Jackson was not afraid to demand payment. In a message to Congress he suggested a bill to penalise French holdings for the amount of the damages, an d in 1836 the French had paid four of six installments of damages. Jacksons announcement helped lay the groundwork for a successful White House offer by Vice President Martin Van Burenthereby avenging Van Burens failed nomination to be minister to Britain. Never one to leave a friend behind, Jackson also hoped to avenge the failed nomination of his Treasury Secretary, Roger Taney, whom he later nominated and had confirmed as Chief Justice.As a final chapter in his point for financial stability in America, Jackson announced in December 1834 that the nation would by debt-free on January 1, 1835the only time in American story that the government did not owe anyone anything.

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